Puff Piece

A dishonest melange of irrelevant and empty arguments

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

To Blog Or Not To Blog?

That is indeed the question.

I'm new to this blogging malarkey. Actually I'm a confirmed technophobe; all things considered it's a miracle I can boot up the iMac of a morning. Until January of this year, when a malevolent alien flu-like thingy confined me to barracks for the best part of a month, I'd never so much as posted on a forum, let alone shot my gob off on one repeatedly, (for which I apologise to the webmistresses of Fatty McBlog), now I can't stay away from the blogosphere. So, really, it was only a matter of time.

At this stage I don't know how often I'll be posting or what I'll necessarily be posting about though I think it's safe to say that fat, (mine, yours, anybody's really), might well be a recurring theme. Also the joys and pitfalls of plus-sized shopping. But I shan't be dissing the fat, talking target weights or striving towards some new, improved, thinner me. This little piggy renounced her dieting ways half a lifetime ago and chose to (power) walk the path to self-acceptance instead. If that's your bag, then please feel free to join me on my journey. If not, good luck with the diet.

Assuming three geezers and a dog might possibly be reading this, here's the - er - skinny on me:-

I'm in my mid-forties. Okay. Late-mid-forties.

I'm a sometime writer, university lecturer and consultant to creative folks.

I live in London; a fab city with lousy public transport, much culture and no air-conditioning.

I have a morbid fear of rhubarb and wouldn't thank you for a Brussels sprout.

I have many delightful friends, most of whom are not fat.

I don't - and furthermore have never – required a seatbelt extender.

Don't go changin'...


At October 16, 2006 2:21 AM, Blogger Kate217 said...

YAY!!!!! I look forward to reading your musings.

At October 16, 2006 4:45 PM, Blogger Thora said...

I enjoy your replies at FattyMcBlog. Glad to see you took the plunge!

At October 16, 2006 11:08 PM, Blogger Buttercup Rocks said...

Thanks, fiiine laydeez! Now all I have to do is think of something to post about...

At December 13, 2006 12:31 PM, Blogger Buttercup Rocks said...

Hey, littlem, welcome to my very tiny, intimate soirée!
I kinda like the 001 - does that mean you're licensed to kill?


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